Are you looking for a career as a full-time, Part-time or reserve officer?
INSTRUCTIONS: All questions must be answered truthfully and are subject to
polygraph. Do not leave any areas blank. Incomplete applications may be rejected. If a question is not applicable, so state
by indicating N/A (Not Applicable). Submit completed applications to the Melbourne Village Police Department Via email or Mail.
Last Name, First Name, Middle Name: __________________________________________________
Residence Address (No PO Box) Apt. Number Apartment Complex Name: ________________________________________________________________
City County State Zip Code______________________
Email Address:____________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone, Work Phone, Extension Cell Phone/Other: _____________________________________
If you answer yes to any of these questions, please provide the details on a separate sheet of paper and attach to this application.
Are you currently or have you ever been law enforcement or corrections certified? YES / NO
If yes, list certification, issuing state, date of certification and when your certification expires.
If you have been certified, what specialized training have you received?
Have you ever resigned or been terminated from a law enforcement agency? YES / NO if yes, which, when, and why?
Melbourne Village Police Department
555 Hammock Road
Melbourne Village, Florida 32904
(321) 725-7224, or our FAX number (321) 984-7219.
Email: [email protected]
Are you looking for a career as a full-time, Part-time or reserve officer?
INSTRUCTIONS: All questions must be answered truthfully and are subject to
polygraph. Do not leave any areas blank. Incomplete applications may be rejected. If a question is not applicable, so state
by indicating N/A (Not Applicable). Submit completed applications to the Melbourne Village Police Department Via email or Mail.
Last Name, First Name, Middle Name: __________________________________________________
Residence Address (No PO Box) Apt. Number Apartment Complex Name: ________________________________________________________________
City County State Zip Code______________________
Email Address:____________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone, Work Phone, Extension Cell Phone/Other: _____________________________________
If you answer yes to any of these questions, please provide the details on a separate sheet of paper and attach to this application.
Are you currently or have you ever been law enforcement or corrections certified? YES / NO
If yes, list certification, issuing state, date of certification and when your certification expires.
If you have been certified, what specialized training have you received?
Have you ever resigned or been terminated from a law enforcement agency? YES / NO if yes, which, when, and why?
Melbourne Village Police Department
555 Hammock Road
Melbourne Village, Florida 32904
(321) 725-7224, or our FAX number (321) 984-7219.
Email: [email protected]